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A change in the profession is a change in you

A change in the profession is a change in you.

For the majority of us who start out a career path, we

 inevitably end up in a job of one kind or another. I say this

 because very few adults are the same

The jobs they started, why?

I think this is work, this is my profession only to

 end up in another work environment that gradually

 fades away until we start looking for another job or job.

Some of us are lucky (or unlucky).

Enough to start our own business, we work all hours under the

 sun and moon and we think that's it, it will make me happy and

 I won't have to worry about bills and the future. Unfortunately,

 this is not entirely the case. If you do manual labor, you will

 generally end up with no money and all kinds of business

 illnesses such as back pain, trapped nerves (very painful!), or

 even the loss of a limb. All from pulling your guts 24/7! And if

 you find that job you've always wanted?

Are you still there? I bet you don't or else you won't be in the near future. why?

Because you're not getting the recognition you feel you deserve,

 you know you're doing well, you know you can do better but

 something is stopping you, from progressing.

why is that? Were we raised to be like this?

For the average person, we weren't taught how to take

 care of our bodies or our minds in school, we were

 doing homework on arithmetic, English, French,

 geology, and physics to name a few, it's all good if you

 know what you want to do in life! Society didn't teach

 us how to make money or be happy or take care of

 ourselves, it just taught us the basics so we can adapt to it.

But the fit does not work! ...We all have our desire to be successful, to be better than we are, it's only with us for a certain period of time and you know when. You have to look at yourself and get close to going back to school, your school! Do it the way you want to learn, not the way society has taught you. your school,


 The name of your school? .......... It's anything you want it to be!

You just need to know, only at this time that you want to know

 how to learn and you can immerse yourself in it. You can work

 as many or as few hours a day as you want, but the big

 difference is that you will. You will be immersed in your new

 venture and will need to work as many hours 

of life as you (and your family) allow.

Appreciation will come from yourself.

Your life that has passed (which goes very quickly in my book)

 has earned you a wealth of knowledge that you know, which you

 can pass on to others who need this information.

Valuable information and easy for you to pass on to others,

 it is called a niche.

So you see, for everyone who has the desire and willpower (and

 we all have it, that's normal) you have an opportunity that no

 society has ever had. The world is a small village, and the reason

 for this is .......................... the Internet.

